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January 8, 2024

Youth Conference Info Sessions

Who: All NYSW Partner Teachers interested in attending or participating in this year’s 14th annual Youth Conference


Monday, March 3 | 3pm-4pm | Register Here

Wednesday, March 5 | 3pm-4pm | Register Here

Monday, March 10 | 3pm-4pm | Register Here

Wednesday, March 12 | 3pm-4pm | Register Here

Where: Virtual/Zoom

Overview: If you are interested in learning more about our 14th annual New York Sun Works Discovering Sustainability Science Youth Conference, please join us at one of our information sessions. Our annual conference brings together students in person from hundreds of partner classrooms across the five boroughs of NYC to share students’ own investigations and action projects through student-led presentations!

Climate Action Day Workshop PD: Health, Wellness, & Green Space

Who: All NYSW Partner Teachers


Wednesday, March 17 | 3pm-4pm | Register Here

Thursday, March 19 | 12pm-1pm | Register Here

Where: Virtual/Zoom

Overview: Join us in a NYSW Professional Learning session to prepare for your next NYC Climate Action Day! The Climate Action Day focused on Health, Wellness, & Green Space will take place on Wednesday, April 9. This session will give you time to plan! We will share NY Sun Works learning resources, lessons, and units related to engaging students in green spaces and environmental action. You and your fellow partner teachers will brainstorm and come up with the plans to implement this in your hydroponic classrooms and schools!

ASPDP Course – Climate Education: Integrating Themes of Energy, Water, Waste into your Classroom

Who: Any educator or school staff member

When: March 1, 8, 15, 22, April 5 & 26. Registration opens 1/27/25

Where: Mix of in person, remote synchronous, and asynchronous. In person sessions will be held at 154 West 93rd Street

Overview: This course on simple sustainability with students offers K-12 teachers the unique opportunity to delve deeper into global environmental issues on a local level. Situated within the setting of a sustainable hydroponic greenhouse, this course focuses on the themes of water, waste and energy to help teachers learn more about current environmental concerns through a blend of technology, discussion, self-reflection, and hands-on projects. In addition, guest speakers, informative tours, videos and educational games offer a holistic approach to learning about real world environmental problems and how they affect different cultures, especially in terms of environmental racism. Participants will learn to question the presence of food deserts and inequities of the urban heat island effect in NYC. Climate education also involves studying how global populations are affected, with minority and indigenous peoples receiving the fewest resources and the largest impact on their communities. This six day hybrid course will consist of four in person morning sessions (9:00am-2:00pm) at 154 West 93rd Street (sessions 1,2,4, March 1, 8, 22 and April 5) followed by weekly 2.5 hours of independent asynchronous. Sessions 3 and 6 (March 15 and April 26) consist of remote synchronous (9:00am-2:00pm) and asynchronous instruction as participants apply their knowledge of water, energy, and waste to demonstrate their designs of lessons, games, and interactive activities about environmental justice for their students. All asynchronous assignments must be submitted by May 9, 2025 in order to receive full credit. This course has been approved by the DOE After School Professional Development Program (ASPDP) and may be counted for three P or A+ CREDITS/45 hours CTLE.


Join Our Mission to Grow Tomorrow’s Climate Leaders.

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