Student Journalists Ask Hard Hitting Questions at the 13th Youth Conference
June 6, 2024

In the wake of our 13th Annual Discovering Sustainability Science Youth Conference, we’re turning our ears to the student journalists who reported live on the event as part of this year’s Youth Press Team! With so much climate education and sustainability science on stage, it was vital we captured the moment, and channeled the phenomenal energy of our partner schools through the lens of the students themselves.
This year, our Youth Press Team was nearly double the size of last year’s, with 13 young New Yorkers taking on the role of junior reporters and interviewing both their student peers and guest speakers about their research and work. Our student reporters ranged in age from 3rd grade to high school seniors, and created thoughtful journalistic articles summarizing their perspective on the conference. These experiences also included interviews with a few of our guest speakers, including Damali Wynter, Assistant Commissioner of the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, and Daniella Piper, the Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer of New York Power Authority.
Thank you to Mariama, Basma, Yaleez, Juselys, Syeda, Jayden, Pharamond, Valentina, Jane, Matilda, Nilema, Cameron, and Aether for lending their voices to reporting at the conference. Click on each student’s name to check out their final works. A special thank you to Ms. Bobb, Ms. Larosa, Ms. Casimir, Ms. Rogers, Ms. Pinckney, Ms. Chan, and Ms. Giannella for helping support their students throughout the process!

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