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Update on the State of the Schools for 2021-2022

June 25, 2021

Congratulations to all of our partners for an enormous effort in what has been a very challenging year.  Our hearts are with those who lost loved ones or nursed sick friends and family members over this past year and we extend our deepest wishes to all for a joyful, restorative, and healthy summer.  

Looking forward to the fall, we are excited to work with all of our partner schools to restart your labs so that you are able to welcome your students back in September with a beautiful green space and the hands-on, project-based learning that is best suited for helping students overcome Covid learning loss.  For those schools that kept their labs closed this past year due to social distancing requirements, our Greenhouse Support Team will schedule visits to assess supplies and determine what is needed to get your systems growing again.  We are excited to have all of our partner school labs open and ready to welcome students and teachers for a new year of learning, growing, and harvesting!  

For those teachers who need a refresher after a year of hybrid teaching, and for those who just want to take a deeper dive into our curriculum, our education team will be holding virtual Professional Development sessions prior to the start of school.  Be on the lookout for registration information in early August.  We want to make sure that our partners have all of the support you need for the new school year, so please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything our team can do to help you plan for the new school year.  

Throughout the summer, our team will continue to build hydroponic labs in new schools, including Art & Design High School, the Brooklyn Occupational Training Center, the 30th Avenue School in Queens, and PS 188 Michael E. Berdy.  In September we will be starting the new year with more than 30 new partners – we are thrilled to have them join the NY Sun Works network.  

From all of us at NY Sun Works, thank you for all you’ve done to support New York’s students this year and have a wonderful summer!  


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